Dear Potential Sponsor,
Fort Gratiot Little League has been a chartered member of Little League Baseball since February 2, 1952. This year, FGLL is celebrating its 73nd
birthday! We are very thankful that the community is such a large part of our organization. We would not be going on 70+ years without your support!
FGLL has grown to be one of the highlights of the spring and summer for many of our area's children, parents and fans. In fact, the last couple of years we have had a record number of T-ballers. In total last year almost 400 boys and girls from our community signed up to learn the greatest game on earth! We are continuing to grow and adapt to make changes to our program to help players learn, develop, keep them safe, and also make the game fun! Things like opening day, special guests and giveaways and our annual Fort Gratiot Little League Day themed events. As well as offerings to make our teams and players more competitive including equipment, tournament teams, district level competition, training and resources for our coaches, players, and umpires.
In addition, you may not realize this- but Fort Gratiot Little League has never, and will never, turn a child away due to financial hardship. Every year we sponsor several players that fall into this category with no cost to the family. We believe strongly in the benefits of playing and work hard to share this opportunity with as many youth in our community as possible.
We are incredibly grateful for the generous contributions from our partners, and we are asking for your support again this year. Our sponsorship categories allow you to customize your sponsorship to suit your preference. Please review the sponsorship categories in the enclosed flyer. We look forward to a great partnership with your organization!
Fort Gratiot Little League is a 501(c)3 organization.
2025 sponsor letter.pdf